Wednesday 27 January 2016

Inter-island Travel

Catching a ride between Saturna and Mayne aboard Ron Willick's awesome electric engine powered boat! Thanks very much Ron!

Tuesday 13 October 2015


Discovering the magic of Pascal's triangle! 


It might look like they are just looking at the window, but really they are just about to solve a complex problem using the window as their work space. (Also known as VNPS (vertical non-permanent surfaces), this is one component of "Thinking Classrooms" as explained by Peter Liledahl from SFU: Check out more here

Sunday 26 April 2015

Explorations with symmetry in "Outputs" on Galiano

Reading Stations on Pender

One of many reading stations in the K/1 classroom on Pender includes reading and listening on an iPad. Other stations include being read to, reading to others, hands on matching or spelling activities, etc.

Monday 8 December 2014

Mystery Reader on Galiano

The Galiano library is a happening place, made even more happening with mystery readers coming by regularly! It all starts when clues about the mystery reader are posted on the bulletin board just outside the library. Students try to guess who the reader is, write their guesses on slips of paper, and put them in an envelope. The day of the mystery reader, the students come into the library, the clues are reviewed and all of the guesses are read out. The best part is when the reader is revealed: shocked and excited faces abound! Now it's time for the story!!

The latest mystery reader: